Tulsi Dharel holds CM (Chartered Marketer), MBA and PhD in Marketing. Dr. Dharel has been teaching since 1987 including internationally. His areas of interest are International Marketing, Marketing Research, and Sales & Promotion. He has published several publications and articles focusing on these areas. Besides teaching, he has extensive experience as a consultant, a business entrepreneur and a trainer.
Additionally he has delivered several lecturers as a keynote speaker. Dr. Dharel has started teaching at Centennial College in 2007. He has received awards as one of the Top 25 Canadian Immigrants in 2019 and outstanding Asian-Canadian in 2017. He is a talent council member of Canadian Marketing Association.
In addition, he is sitting as Academic Governor at the Board of Governors of Centennial College. In community connections; Dr. Dharel is a vice-president of Canadian-Multicultural Council, Chartered-president of Leaside Centennial Lions Club and has been associated with many other community leadership roles as well.